Time for Thanks

Posted on Nov 24, 2011

As many know and we have all heard, starting out in business on your own is both exciting and daunting on many levels. Earlier this year, after twenty-five years working in the industry, I opened my New Orleans production company, Filmshooter LLC.

Even with almost three decades of film and video production experience, it sometimes feels like you are starting all over again. To top it off, the exhilarating rate of technological evolution in camera platforms, editing tools and delivery methods only adds to both the challenges and the rewards.

I am truly grateful to the clients and industry friends who supported me this year. From shooting aerials in the Gulf of Mexico, to sports programming, political commercials, employee communication projects and network specials … its been a blast!

Thanks all (you know who you are) and I wish you late crew calls, perfect light and happy clients!

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